Biofilm Subgroup Meeting

The Microbes AWG Biofilm subgroup will meet on the last Tuesday of the month at 7pm CET/10am PT/1pm ET, we plan for the first meeting to be held on Tuesday July 30th.

We currently have 3 potential topics for investigation we’d like to put to the membership to explore:

  1. Impact of microgravity on biofilm formation
  2. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in space biofilms
  3. Comprehensive review of methods to study biofilms in space environments

We will decide on the topic at the first meeting.

If you’re interested, please come along! The meeting will also a platform for members to explore ideas and discuss other biofilm-related areas.


I am interested in joining this group


Hi Ramikishor,

That’s great, lovely to have you onboard! I’ve sent out an email with meeting details to the Microbes AWG membership and the link is also in the Microbes AWG Members Hub.

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Dear Katherine,

I am also willing to join in this group. I am interested in Space Biofilms. Can you also send out an email with meeting details and the link in for Hub.



Hello, I am also happy to join the biofilm group.


Hi Enes and Shai, great to have you join! Our next meeting is on August 27th and I plan to send out details the week before. The link to the zoom is in the MicrobesAWG Hub, and there is a downloadable calendar link there too. All the best, Katherine


Hi, I’d like to know more about the topic 1 (AMR in space biofilms).


Thanks @pmadrigal for engaging! I just added you as a Microbes AWG member too, so you should be able to access their groups info here as well:

That said, @katherine.j.baxter is GREAT, and sure she will pull you into the Biofilm project loop. Cheers


Hello - I am also interested in joining this group. Thank you


Hi @pmadrigal and @ioana, thanks for joining us! Our next meeting will be on Aug 27th - the meeting link is in the Microbes Hub (

Just a quick update on what we’re up to - we had our first Biofilm meeting at the end of July and have begun working towards a short review. This will help guide us in our interrogation of the OSDR data in the areas listed in the three potential topics we initially came up with. At the moment we have asked members to have a look at the literature and identify any other Space-related biofilm reviews so we can tailor ours to gaps. All the best, Katherine.


I’ve checked out the drive, but I also noticed that the drive cannot be edited. So it’s a bit difficult to contribute right now.

Also, instead of Current Biofilm Review, could we change it to ‘Relevant Biofilm Literature’

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I am interested in this group as well

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Hello all, I’m a newly joined member of OSDR and Microbes AWG. I’m interested in working on this Project @katherine.j.baxter

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Hi, I found some current review and research papers on biofilm formation in space microgravity:


Hello, @katherine.j.baxter! I am interested in joining this subgroup. Can I still join?


Hi @amanzoor.msbi23sines, of course. We’re meeting next Tuesday (26th) from 6pm GMT/7pm CET/1pm ET/10am PT. I will post a reminder out with the link and an agenda in the next day or so.

All the best, Katherine


Sure @katherine.j.baxter , Thank you so much!