ASGSR AWG Meet Up - Who's planning to be there? Leave a comment

Serious FOMO, have a great time all! I look forward to pics being shared here, cheers :rocket:


If you are at the ASGSR, come swing by our art by @urbankoi and Pierre…. Celestial Beginnings
Circle of Life “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” Seneca


Let’s have a group picture

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You’ll be a legend if you can organize it, pull it off. Wish I was there!

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Reminder, AWG Happy Hour tomorrow (Friday) after the last session at 6:30 pm at the Sheraton Lobby Bar. Bring your colleagues and friends!


We will host the AWG Happy Hour on Friday, December 6th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Sheraton Puerto Rico Resort & Casino Lobby Bar! Feel free to bring your colleagues and friends!

Friday, December 6th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Lobby Bar
Sheraton Puerto Rico Resort & Casino


@lauren.sanders @asaravia @danielle.lopez91 @barbara.novak — here’s a pretty solid list of all AWG members at ASGSR :tada::rocket: (Apologies to anyone I didn’t see in cross-referencing :100:)

Hope all can make it to the AWG happy hour :partying_face: @AnuragSakharkar @sararothrock @thejainaarav @kyla_zhang @mo.kaze @solene.frapard @harlan.phillips @JasmineWu @Gbolaga_Olanrewaju @jessica.a.lee @jang1563 @paula6 @ioana @MarshallPorterfield @sigrid.reinsch @AfshinBeheshti @slantin @alvromcal @holquistkl @elison.b.blancaflor @stefan_green @ccnaney @marie.mortreux @Fathi @abegum @ec001221 @wyatts @anuiris @tosophiecai @justinytlin @heather.d.smith @szewczyk @dr.richard.barker @urbankoi @correllm @iperera @jwilley @svcostes @nilufarali @walt @murat.basar @daniela.bezdan @Dillon_Nishigaya @lchristenson @wcromer @jderivero @lauraelf @gentry.fleck @jasmine_gupta @mpecaut @kubika @blabee @anthony.lau @seeratmaqsood @stephanie.perreau @sergio.r.santamaria @philipjsweet @kiruhiaisu4 @jyang41 @ishaangupta

Friday, December 6th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ET at the Sheraton Puerto Rico Resort & Casino Lobby Bar

Make sure all feel welcome :hugs:


I’m attending ASGSR and will be presenting our microgravity software analytics platform today Friday in the Cross Disciplinary-3 session, Bahai room, 4:30-6:30pm. Title:
Optimizing Space Manufacturing: Leveraging ML processed Microgravity Data for Design and Process Automation

It would be great to have you there/ we are looking for beta testers of the platform between now and March 2025 so please contact me if interested

We are primarily focused on standardizing image and video analytics to extract structural, morphology and physics data.


I wasn’t able to make it down to ASGSR this year but I do have an undergraduate student presenting tomorrow (10AM-12PM slot). Kit Savoy is presenting a poster on their work exploring static/electric fields as a potential mechanism for fungal dispersal. Could be quite important in low gravity, low humidity environments. Please swing by and talk with Kit if you get time! Microbial AWG Topics Plant AWG Topics asgsr


Reminder, starting in 10 minutes! See you there!

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Thank you to the wonderful AWG members for a fun happy hour! So wonderful to see everyone at ASGSR! Shoutout to @abegum for the :camera_flash:

@AIMLawg @ALSDAawg @AnimalAWG @FemaleReproAWG @HUMANawg @MicrobesAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @RLWG @PlantAWG


Thank you for organizing the AWG event :blush::rocket: