ImmPort Webinar: Harnessing NIAID’s ImmPort & NASA’s GeneLab Through Computational and Systems Biology Approach: Determining female health risks for spaceflight driven by microRNAs
Please join us for ImmPort’s upcoming webinar featuring Dr. Afshin Beheshti @AfshinBeheshti presenting his work on using data from NIAID’s ImmPort and NASA’s GeneLab to make new findings related to female health risks of spaceflight.
Webinar ID 999 7450 9268
Passcode 905384
Date & Time: Nov 7, 2024 12:00 PM PT (US) / 03:00 PM ET (US)
Description: In the era of renewed space exploration, understanding female health risks during spaceflight is essential. This talk focuses on leveraging NIAID’s ImmPort and NASA’s GeneLab data using computational and systems biology to investigate microRNA (miRNA)-driven risks for female astronauts. We identified a shared miRNA signature linked to small-for-gestational-age (SGA) outcomes in both humans and mice, suggesting that space stressors may elevate reproductive risks. Machine learning techniques revealed FDA-approved drugs, including hormone receptor and vitamin D receptor antagonists, as potential countermeasures. Our findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to protect female health during and after space missions.
Corti, G., Kim, J., Enguita, F.J. et al. To boldly go where no microRNAs have gone before: spaceflight impact on risk for small-for-gestational-age infants. Commun Biol 7 , 1268 (2024).
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Speaker Information
Afshin Beheshti, PhD
Dr. Afshin Beheshti is a leading expert in space biology, currently serving as a Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where he is the Director of the Space Biomedicine Program and is the Associate Director at the McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine. His research focuses on the effects of the space environment on human health, particularly the roles of microRNAs and mitochondrial function, and on developing countermeasures against space radiation and microgravity. At the Space Biomedicine Program, he is spearheading initiatives to explore space health issues, develop strategies to protect astronauts during long-duration missions, and create outreach and education programs to advance space biology research.
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Harnessing NIAID’s ImmPort & NASA’s GeneLab Through Computational and Systems Biology Approach: Determining female health risks for spaceflight driven by microRNAs
Date & Time Nov 7, 2024 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Webinar ID 999 7450 9268
Passcode 905384
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