If you’re passionate about NASA’s Open Science initiatives or curious about enhancing your skills through DUTC’s NASA Open Science Training, I’m here to guide you every step of the way! Whether it’s navigating the application process or answering your questions, I’d be delighted to help. It would be great to invite your network to attend with you and the rest of the community. Everyone is welcome to join!
Check out the training here: Open Science Training ,
Register, complete the training successfully and get NASA Open Science Digital Badge.
The training is completely free, and all you need to register is your email and an ORCID account, you can easily create an ORCID account here Sign in - ORCID.
Dorra Saidi
DUTC Open Science Ambassador
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dorrasaidi
E-Mail Address: d.saidi1106@myu.universitecentrale.tn (feel free to reach out )