Lunar LEAF Payload Openings! In Australia with Jenny Mortimer 🚀 Two postdoc positions and a PhD studentship

From Lab of Jenny Mortimer most likely of interest @PlantAWG @ALSDAawg

Two funded postdoc positions and a PhD studentship available in my lab in Adelaide!

Please spread the word and apply, or contact me for further information.

:link:Opportunities – Mortimer Laboratory

  1. as part of the NASA-funded LEAF award you will work alongside a team led by Space Lab Technologies, LLC to develop a robust plant growth system for the lunar surface as part of an #Artemis3 payload, with a focus on glycan analysis of returned samples. Apply here: 3 year position.

  2. as part of the Department of Energy-funded Joint BioEnergy Institute
    you will build on our recent work to characterise novel plant glycosyltransferases, particularly those involved in RG-II biosynthesis. Apply here: 2 year position, with 3rd year dependent on funding.

  3. there is a funded PhD position starting in early 2025 as part of the LEAF project. Yet to be advertised, but if you’re interested, please send me a short CV and paragraph outlining specifically why you’re interested in this project, and in our lab.

jenny.mortimer @ adelaide.


What a great opportunity!!

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