Hybrid mtg, in-person Dublin, Ireland, April 11th. Abstracts due Feb 14th
Appears to be a small registration fee. Sounds like a topic the @RLWG should at least have someone at. Preferably someone to cover OSDR’s RadLab, radlab paper, data/metadata, the 2024 FDL challenge? @kirill have you heard of this? Jack @j_miller ?
@svcostes @lauren.sanders @kristen.peach @gebresg @mboerrigter @emassara @daisysxm76 @rutujagurav @janice.zawaski @RLWG @AIMLawg and some Ireland colleagues (or Irish colleagues who may know someone to share this with) @nicholas.brereton @Dr_Philip_Brady @mcnamel @Ben_Holman @keith.siew @michael.vaughan @eva.dhaene
Thanks for sharing this Ryan - I will circulate this with the wider Ireland network
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Thanks for the heads-up on this. Sounds like a perfect road-trip for @kirill!
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@j_miller - glad I could bring it up towards your awareness 
@mcnamel - thanks so much, I would love to visit Dublin, of course, but this event is quite far out of my purview to directly be there. Mayyyyybe i might attend online. Thanks for spreading the word 
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It’s really right up Kirill’s alley (or one of his alleys). Is there an online option? I didn’t notice.
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Yes, there is an online join option, its a hybrid mtg.
May be good for you, @svcostes others around RadLab to join
Maybe let Livio know too