AWG Discussions
Animal AWG Topics The Animal AWG has focused on rodents, C elgans, fruit fly, fish, and other model organisms Human AWG Topics AI/ML AWG Topics As part of the AI-ML AWG, FemaleRepro AWG Topics This new AWG aims to bring together scientists with a shared interest in this crucial area. The group meets monthly and collaborate on various projects. Potential projects at the moment: • Conducting meta-analyses using the OSDR data in the context of other data sources. • Sharing ongoing projects. For instance, Costes and Sanders are currently working on a grant studying rat ovaries exposed to ionizing radiation and centrifugation, with samples donated by Joshua Alwood, another scientist in this group. • Identifying gaps in the literature and suggesting data acquisition from previous published work or new experiments • Writing grants or authoring reviews Microbial AWG Topics CHAIR/Comms Lead for this AWG - please make this section your own! Pinned at the top of your group shouldn’t be me/my post Multi-omics AWG Topics CHAIR/Comms Lead for this AWG - please make this section your own! Pinned at the top of your group shouldn’t be me/my post ALSDA AWG Topics The ALSDA AWG has focused on phenotypic, physiological, imaging, telemetry, and behavioral data. ALSDA = Ames Life Sciences Data Archive which in 2021 transformed and integrated with NASA GeneLab to form the NASA Open Science Data Repository RadLab Working Group Topics List of threads on RadLab WG topics Plant AWG Topics The Plant AWG focuses on plants response to spaceflight, Astrobotany and Astro agriculture with the goal of ensuring sustainable agroecosystems beyond leo earth orbit.