I am pleased to more formally organize the Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Resilience (ADBR) AWG. The overall goal is to look for commonalities between space and AD in human and rodent research, and then determine methods to facilitate resilience against neurodegeneration. We are just getting started and organized, so would love new members and people to volunteer to help! Please DM me or join our bi-weeklly meetings on Mondays at 12:15 (Pacific Time) - Next meeting on Jan 13th. Event will show in your Calendar
Thank you @windymc for this great new opportunity!
Hi Windy:
I would like to attend.
Unfortunately I have a meeting already scheduled on Oct 21st .
But I will be able to join from following meeting.
Also can you please give me access to my Google drive – kmitra@go.fit.edu
I look forward to attending this meeting.
Thank you.
Kunal Mitra
I am very interested in this because of the overlaps with mitochondrial disease with neurodegenerative disease. Mitochondrial stress is the primary mechanism for absorbing the low dose LEO radiation, via radiation induced ROS/electrolysis. I do biophysical sensing and mitochondrial biophysics… computational biophysics.
Dear Windy, I would like to participate as observer at personal capacity, even I do collaborate with AEM, I have a personal practice of research focusing on space medicine. Alzheimer is one of our areas of interest at Centro de Rehabilitacion Neuropsicologica and would be great for future experiment proposals.
Fantastic, come when you can! I think you should have access to the drive now. I am currently just getting organized so please let me know where you want to get involved, or if you want to see a few meetings and go from there, that is fine too.
You are welcome to come and observe. As there are so many complicated components to AD, happy to take comments and suggestions on the way.
Yes! I agree about the mitochondrial stress. This will be an area of focus. Do you want to help out with that?
Definitely!! I love digging and drilling in!
Great! I don’t see you having access to the shared drive yet. Can you request access with this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cwthJrxAZ12b5S86-IrVoG60sHRK11rx?usp=sharing
And then fill out your info on the member directory sheet in the Members folder?
Would love to join. I’ve been focusing research on this topic from multiple directions would love to learn more about your insights.
Great! Please send me your email address, and put your info in the Members Folder of the Shared Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cwthJrxAZ12b5S86-IrVoG60sHRK11rx?usp=sharing
Hi Windy!
I am really interested in joining this group.
Unfortunately it will be difficult for me to make the meetings as I’m currently a high school student and have school at the same time.
What can I do to become involved?
Hello Dr. @windymc,
I would be happy to join the team and contribute to your research if there is any space left!
I have sent a request to the shared drive. here is my email address: parshangeraf81@berkeley.edu
Fantastic! I gave you access to the shared drive. Please add your information to the member director and check out the meeting notes. Would love to have your help.
Hi @windymc
This sounds really exciting. I would love to join and get involved if still possible. Look forward to the next meeting!
It would be great to have you. Please do the following: send me your email address, request access to the shared drive, and then fill in your info on the member director. If you have time, please look at the meeting info and let me know what you are interested in helping with.
Hello Dr. Windy,
This project sounds very interesting. I would love the opportunity to contribute to this research. My email address is zhihankshi@gmail.com.
Access requested! My email is bqh5451@psu.edu. I will take a look at the meeting info once I have a chance. Thank you!
Hello @windymc
This project sounds very interesting and I would love to contribute to your research by joining your team. My email is anish.kelam@gmail.com and I have sent a request to access the shared drive. I will look at the meeting info as soon as possible and let you know what I can help with.