We might have achieved Artificial Medical super Intelligence. Our AI model just scored a 100% in NEET Super speciality exams questions with greater accuracy than GPT-4 and greater speed than O1 (human doctors have a hard time getting 50% in these exams) ( sample size was restricted). We are still working on improving it. Will be helpful in space medical capabilities.
O1 model of open AI gave a wrong answer after thinking 1m 9 secs…but our AI model gave the correct answer in 2-3 seconds
Hi @avinavsahoo , thank you for sharing! Do you have a GitHub repo or white paper where we can read more about your model and the benchmarking you have done?
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We just ran out tests few days ago we are writing a white paper to be published soon…
I will share the link of our white paper soon…GitHub repository is also being built by my tech team