NLRA 2024-9 Igniting Innovation: Science in Space to Cure Disease on Earth
Step One due September 26th, 2024
NLRA Open Period: 8/15/2024 – 3/3/2025
This ISS National Lab Research Announcement (NLRA) is issued in collaboration with NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) division and seeks proposals for flight projects that utilize the unique space environment to address challenges that hinder progress in preventing, diagnosing, and treating some of the most challenging diseases of our time, such as cancer. Similarly, advanced therapies for cardiovascular, immune, muscle and bone, and neurodegenerative diseases face obstacles that thwart scientific advancements and the translation of research findings into clinical applications. These challenges frequently overlap and share common elements, despite the complexity and variability of mechanisms within and among these diseases. Many of these challenges can be mitigated using accelerated disease models in microgravity. This NLRA aims also to foster collaborations between academia, industry, and government to tackle complex challenges and develop innovative, commercially viable products and technologies for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to improve medical outcomes on Earth.
Step 1A: Download NLRA 2024-9 Instructions and Required Step 1A Forms
Step 1A: Concept Summary Due Date: September 26, 2024
Step 1A: Concept Summary Online Submission
Concept summaries must be submitted electronically using the concept summary submission form. .