New Soliciation: E.9 Space Biology 🚀

ROSES-24 Amendment 76: E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies Draft Text Released :rocket: :dna: :medical_symbol:

When it is solicited, the research emphases of E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies will fall under two broad categories: Precision Health and Space Crops. For Precision Health-focused studies, investigators may propose to use any non-primate animal model system, and any appropriate cell/tissue culture/ microphysiological system/ organoid or microbial models, that are supported by the chosen platform. For Space Crop-focused studies, applicants may propose to use any plant model system, and when appropriate, any microbial or plant and microbial model systems that are supported by the chosen platform.

This opportunity will include five different Project Types: Research Investigations, Early Career Research Investigations, New NASA Investigators, GeneLab Analytical Investigations (mine OSDR/GeneLab data :confetti_ball:), and Tissue Sharing Investigations. Specific requirements for each of these Project Types are described in detail in Section 2.2 of this program element. The Project Types have different platform requirements (i.e., flight or ground) described in Section 2.3 of the program element text.

ROSES-2024 Amendment 76 releases DRAFT text of E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies, to be included in ROSES-2024. Plant Studies and Animal Studies will not be solicited separately; what was to have been solicited in those opportunities has been incorporated into this new DRAFT E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies.

On or about December 3, 2024, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2024” (NNH24ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at: ROSES-24 Blog - NASA Science

Questions concerning DRAFT text of E.9 Space Biology: Research Studies may be directed to Lynn Harrison (for Precision Health) and Elison Blancaflor (for Space Crops) at

@AIMLawg @ALSDAawg @AnimalAWG @FemaleReproAWG @HUMANawg @MicrobesAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @PlantAWG @RLWG



I hope you’re having a great week!

My name is Sepideh, and I am currently pursuing a PhD in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Florida International University. As a member of the Science Data Repository (OSDR) Analysis Working Group (AWG), my research focuses on developing an in vitro enzymatic system for synthesizing both relaxed and supercoiled circular DNA molecules.

This system integrates multiple DNA synthesis techniques, such as PCR, rolling circle amplification with phi29 DNA polymerase, and DNA circularization via Cre recombinase. We also use T5 exonuclease to remove unwanted linear DNA. Our approach produces circular DNA molecules that are free of bacterial DNA elements or modifications, making them highly suitable for applications in DNA vaccines and gene therapy. Additionally, the system is scalable, allowing for production from micrograms to grams of circular DNA, depending on the specific application.

I am very interested in exploring internship opportunities where I can apply my skills and gain further insights from professionals in the field. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or potential opportunities you may know of that align with my background.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of connecting further.

Best regards,

(Attachment Sepideh Rezaei,CV. 2024 2 2 2 (1).pdf is missing)

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Thanks for reaching out Sepideh! I’ll send you a chat to discuss ideas.

Have you joined an AWG meeting to ask AWG leads and members about ideas and openings?

You realize this thread was not specific to internships? Still glad you posted tho :slight_smile: :100:

Thank you so much for replying me,I did not take apart the meetings I joined AWG a couple of days ago. I am happy if I can find internships.


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I love the topic! :slight_smile:

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Nice clear “space crops” :tada::green_salad:

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