GeneLab Animal AWG-Mitochondrial Genome Dynamics-OSD-684-Human skeletal muscle tissue chip autonomous payload reveals changes in fiber type and metabolic gene expression due to spaceflight

Hai, I hope you all are doing well. This is Carlton Ranjith from Sathybama Institute of Science and Technology, a new member of AWG, i am interested in working on mitochondrial genome dynamics and the mitochondrial heteroplasmy effect of spaceflight on Human skeletal muscle tissue chip. I understand that with transcriptomic data understanding, mitochondrial heteroplasmy will be somewhat limited yet just thought about working on it. The workflow will involve 1. Differential expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, respiration, and oxidative phosphorylation pathways in spaceflight. 2. Identification of changes in mitochondrial heteroplasmy patterns and alterations in the distribution of mtDNA variants. 3. Correlating the mitochondrial heteroplasmy dynamics, cellular energetics, and oxidative stress responses in response to spaceflight.

I have performed the initial steps like getting the bam file and also variant calling. but I am just concerned about how to proceed with this proposal in collaboration with the team.

Please let me know if this is possible or what has to be done.

With regards

W.A.Carlton Ranjith


Hi Carlton, I think you can join to other ongoing proejct(s)… but I don’t see any posts in this “space” yet. I will send a direct message to you for more information.


Hi @carltonranjith Carlton, you might consider joining the Multi-omics mitochondrial response to spaceflight project.

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Thanks Nate. I still need to get the various Multi-omics projects dialed into this system when Afshin joins

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Yeah, it will take some time to get up and running on the new platform but it should improve communications allot


Ya sure will join Multi-omics mitochondrial response to spaceflight project.