Hi all! One of the projects I’m currently working on is a biomedical project sending corals to space. There’s a lot of science happening, which I’m excited to be a part of! Although I’ve worked on space projects before, I know how precious spaceflight is and wanted to ask if anyone knew of any training/resources to make sure the opportunity’s maximized on the science side and on my end?
I know STAR is open now, but I’m not eligible at the moment, as a (recently graduated) undergrad starting out my PhD soon. Would love to know if anyone else has ideas or knows of similar resources!
There soon will be an open access “AI/ML for Space Biology” curriculum. @james.casaletto has led it, and will let the forum-space know once public
On the coral question, you may want to start a ‘Topic’ discussion, probably in Plant AWG, to discuss that? Have you heard of the Bionutrients payload on the ISS?
Mark Settles is an AWG member, but not in here yet, but I do belive @philipjsweet also works on Bionutrients, and may be a wealth of information, and potential collaborator on a project?
BioNutrient data will be on OSDR at some point. I believe kelp, keffir, other samples. Unsure if coral fits in
Hello AnuragSakharkar
We developed an open access free online asynchronous training: “AI for space biology research” and have a link to self-register here:
The course is mostly finalized but somewhat under construction for the next month or so, but feel free to listen to the pre-recorded lectures and try your hand at the notebooks and quizzes.
You could check the ISU (International Space University) programs. They have opportunities if you already graduated.
Maybe @willian.abraham can help you to find something there.
Hi James,
Thank you for sharing this link. I was looking for something similar. When I click on the link, it says " Async AI/ML AWG Summer 2024 Training Program". Is it the same program you mentioned?
Hi Molika
Yes – that’s the same program I mentioned. It’s “asynchronously” offered to anyone who self-registers. I’m also teaching it “synchronously” (live) to high school students across the country this summer.
Hi Anurag,
International Space University conducts short duration executive space courses. Sometime back they had one on space omics. You may check the link