New AI Jobs at NASA ๐Ÿš€

Brand new AI Jobs at NASA :robot: :rocket: @AIMLawg

NASA has just announced two roles in its AI office, led by Dave Salvagnini

Serve as a senior Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert. Informs NASAโ€™s AI strategy, planning, policy, and governance. Provides direct support to the Chief AI and Data Officer on AI topics and develops AI implementation plans to maximize value while managing risks. Builds cross-agency relationships; develops shared awareness; equips the workforce with tools and training; and assures responsible AI use. Advances the adoption of AI to bolster Mission effectiveness and create efficiencies.

Serves as the AI Adoption and Innovation technical leader for the Chief AI Officer/Chief Data Officer team, driving NASA AI adoption and innovation to maximize AI value while managing firs in a diverse, distributed organization. You will team with data and AI partners, assess current state, research emerging potential capabilities, establish future vision, and make & implement plans to scale AI use at NASA.


What great opportunities!

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Dang! I just saw these and they are closed already!

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