@ALSDAawg @MicrobesAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @AnimalAWG
Our newest “OSDR Chats” highlighted on the Open Science Data Repository website features Oluwamayowa Akinsuyi of the University of Florida speaking on the publication Gut permeability among Astronauts during Space missions. Congratulations to Oluwamayowa and the Roesch Lab on this publication!
Link to article and video: OSDR Chats - Oluwamayowa Akinsuyi - NASA
Links to datasets used in this study:
OSD-247: NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space
OSD-249: NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space
OSD-466: NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space
OSD-530: NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space
OSD-667: NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space