About the ALSDA AWG

The ALSDA AWG has focused on phenotypic, :test_tube:physiological, :microscope:imaging, :radioactive:telemetry, and behavioral data. ALSDA = Ames Life Sciences Data Archive which in 2021 transformed and integrated with NASA GeneLab to form the NASA Open Science Data Repository

  • Ryan Scott is the ALSDA AWG Chair
  • ALSDA AWG meets each 3rd Tuesday of each month, 8-9:30a PT

Here is a list of all Assay Metadata Configurations. The sheet also has links to templates. If you are collecting data in an experiment, these templates are for you to use, so data/metadata is collected in a format/structure which can the science maximally reusable, reproducible, and transparent.

This AWG began in July of 2021, and now has about ~200 members.

The work on data/metadata standards has enabled several studies and publications, besides various other posters and presentations mining the data: