Welcome to the monthly ‘Open Science for Life in Space’ AWG Roundup!
This ‘Roundup’ helps AWG members stay up to date on new AWGs, AWG subgroups, general opportunities, newly released OSDR data, new/relevant pubs, etc.
AWG Quick Links
Table of AWG Subgroup Collaborations • Calendar of AWG Meetings (make sure you login) • AWG Forum-Space • Charter • Current Opportunities-Solicitations & Upcoming Events
OSDR Quick Links
12 new OSD’s since Nov 1 • OSDR Tutorials • Data Visualization Portal • Environmental Data App • RadLab • OSDR Submission Portal • OSDR Data Submission Guide • OSDR Database Paper • OSDR Fall Newsletter • OSDR Enabled Publications
Top News
- 730 of ~900 AWG members are using the Forum-space: https://awg.osdr.space/
- ~400 AWG members check in once a week, ~175 are ‘active’ (like, chat, post, etc.)
- ~2.6k page views per month are of member profiles (your professional pictures, affiliation/experience/about me). Sincere thanks to everyone who filled their profiles out fully, it helps us connect to one another, and helps the world identify you are an AWG member.
- All AWG members received an invite for the Forum-space via notifications@osdr.discoursemail.com from rtscott2001. Check your spam folder, as our community is new and sometimes gets flagged
- There are 26 OSDR Assay Metadata Configs & Data Standards Ready for AWG/SME Review
- Here they are ready for input/review, see Column D, starting row 64. FAQ here.
- E.g. Contextual Fear Conditioning, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Hyperspectral Analysis
- Help/guidance? We’re happy to help: rachel.r.gilbert@nasa.gov and ryan.t.scott@nasa.gov
- Interested/able to review the GeneLab Proteomic pipeline? Here is the info via the OSDR Proteomic Pipeline AWG subgroup
- Will be on GL DP GitHub once complete
- Please contact barbara.a.novak@nasa.gov & amanda.m.saravia-butler@nasa.gov
- Have you completed the TOPS 101 Training? There is a NASA certificate and swag package sent to those who complete – register today! So far 60 AWG members have completed
- Kudos to the Microbes AWG authors for being recognized by NASA Citizen Science! More here.
- Congrats to AWG member Julia Kelliher (@jkelliher) and GeneLab Science Lead Amanda Saravia Butler (@asaravia) for winning a NASA SMD award which will help provide compute capabilities via the NASA EDGE Bioinformatics Platform
- OSDR has now enabled 105 publications using OSDR/GeneLab!
AWG Groups/Subgroups
Please attend at least one of the AWG monthly meetings to stay involved. Contact the leads below to be engaged:
- AI/ML – @lauren.sanders ; lauren.m.sanders@nasa.gov
- Meets 2nd Tues/mo, 9-10a PT
- ALSDA – @rtscott2001 ; ryan.t.scott@nasa.gov
- Meets 3rd Tues/mo, 8-9:30a PT
- Animal – @paula6 ; paula6@erau.edu
- Meets 4th Wed/mo, 9-10:30a PT
- Female Repro – @abegum ; abegum@usf.edu
- Meets 2nd Tues/mo, 10-11a PT
- Human – @Dr.Overbey ; eoverbey@uaustin.org
- Meets 1st Thurs/mo, 8-9a PT
- Microbes – @daniela.bezdan ; bezdan.daniela@gmail.com
- Meets 1st Wed/mo, 10-11a PT
- Multi-Omics – beheshti@pitt.edu @AfshinBeheshti or @jessicadurbano & jessica94durbano@gmail.com
- Meets 3rd Wed/mo, 8-9:30a PT
- Plant – @dr.richard.barker ; dr.richard.barker@gmail.com
- Meets twice:
- 2nd Wed/mo, 8-9:30a PT
- 4th Wed/mo, 12-1p PT
- Meets twice:
- RadLab – @kirill ; kirill.grigorev@bmsis.org
- Series starting up in 2025
- December calendar. Expect less AWG meetings during the holiday season !:
- AI/ML – @lauren.sanders ; lauren.m.sanders@nasa.gov
List of the ~22 AWG sub-groups (this table is always up to date). Few points:
- Human AWG started in October, and reach out to Charlotte Nelson (@canelson) as she is leading a sub-group mining all Human data in OSDR using the UCSF/NSF knowledge graph tool ‘SPOKE’ which is also being integrated into OSDR for all public users anywhere to use
- Pedro Madgrigal (@pmadrigal) started an AI-Readiness subgroup. Please reach to him if interested
- Borja Barbero (@borjabarbero) is leading a Plant-Human subgroup, looking across data types and species to look at nutritional content, gut health, etc
- The Biofilms sugroup led by Katherine Baxter and VinothKannan Ravichandran (@katherine.j.baxter & @vrvinothan) are still underway
- The RR-18 retinal RNAseq and RRBS subgroup led by Xiao Wen Mao (Vivien; @xmao) is starting Dec 12
- Upcoming:
- NASA’s Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop is Jan 28-31, Galveston TX
- Abstracts are closed. Registration is free to attend or view livestreams.
- 2024 American Geophysical Union is Dec 9-13 in Washington, DC
- OSMED 2024, Dec 7-12, Maui, HI
- ISGP 2025, May 18-25, Sapporo, Japan
- ASMA 2025, June 1-6, Atlanta, CA
- ASCEND 2025, July 22-24, Las Vegas, NV
- IAC 2025, Sept 19-Oct 3, Sydney, Australia
- NASA’s Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop is Jan 28-31, Galveston TX
- Past events:
- The European Space Agency held a recent Science Exploration Workshop, and all recorded talks can be found here
- The recent Planetary Protection Metagenomics in Spaceflight Workshop was held, and there should be recordings shared soon here. Stay tuned
- Afshin Beheshti of the Multi-Omics AWG recently gave a talk which tied into a collaboration which used data from both NIH/NIAID ImmPort and NASA OSDR, and the recording is here
- Other past (and upcoming) events can be found here
New Datasets
- Check out the 12 new OSD’s since Nov 1
- Radlab now has a section for data beyond LEO, with heliocentric orbit and lunar orbit data, including BioSentinel!
- OSDR just passed 50 phenotypic, physiological, imaging, biomedical, behavioral studies (ALSDA)!
The Readers Corner
Have any question about OSDR, curation, processing, data types, data organization? This article covers just about everything, and should be cited when reusing OSDR data or referring to OSDR data:
Amazing article on the growth of “special issues”, paper mills, predatory journals:
- Hanson, M. A., Barreiro, P. G., Crosetto, P., & Brockington, D. (2024). The strain on scientific publishing. Quantitative Science Studies, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00327
- It also has a great series of supplements worth your time: The strain on scientific publishing (figures)
Inspirational Data Reuse Vignette
Li, Desai, et al., npj Microgravity 2023
- This is one example of how spaceflight life sciences data can get reused to spark your scientific imagination and inspiration. Start/propose a project! Play with the data, viz & analysis tool
- Want next month’s AWG Roundup to include your data reuse story? Propose a graphical idea!
I leave you all with the Acknowledgments section for the OSDR Database paper in NAR:
Cheers all, happy holidays, and happy new year!
@PlantAWG @AIMLawg @ALSDAawg @AnimalAWG @FemaleReproAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @MicrobesAWG @RLWG @HUMANawg