AWG Survey Report

Hi, everyone. I am happy to share the report “Expanding the Space Biology Community: NASA Open Science Data Repository’s Analysis Working Groups.” The report is based on a survey I conducted between 2023 and 2024 as part of the project “A Philosophy of Open Science for Diverse Research Environments” (PHIL_OS). The survey is one significant piece of my broader study of how open science practices are transforming space biology, its questions, methods and its scientific community.

The survey aimed to characterize the Analysis Working Groups’ members in terms of their expertise, scientific interests, demographic characteristics, assessments of the repository, and experiences participating in the groups.

Special thanks to @svcostes @gebresg @rtscott2001 @lauren.sanders @lovorkad for their welcoming support of this investigation. Gratefulness as well to the Analysis Working Groups community, @dr.richard.barker @botanynerd @sigrid.reinsch @ec001221 @szewczyk @AfshinBeheshti. Also thank you to each person who took the time to share their experiences in the survey.

In the PHIL_OS team we hope this survey report is a first step in the continuous examination of the relationship between the repository’s goals of maximizing discovery and democratizing access with the work of the AWGs. I look forward to continuing this conversation and building on the results of the survey.

I will be stopping by the various AWG meetings in the next few weeks to share this with you all and to invite you to build on those results and your own insights and experiences to think of ways to continue monitoring and measuring the incredible work that you all do as part of these groups.

@AIMLawg @ALSDAawg @MicrobesAWG @FemaleReproAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @AnimalAWG @HUMANawg @PlantAWG @RLWG


Awesome! Thanks for sharing.