DNA Damage Microscopy Image Classification Project

@rtscott2001 attendance was light. It is end of summer. I did send out a when2meet link to coordinate a new time that works for everyone moving forward since the team has grown in the past month or so.


Good to know on potential time change. We were wondering if that reoccurring meeting should be added in the calendar here on the forum. Worth adding here the next one in 2 weeks?

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@rtscott2001 - great idea! Once the team settles on a meeting time, I’ll post the meeting invite on the calendar on the forum.

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Excellent, of not when you create a calendar invite

New Topic → AI/ML AWG Calendar

Then Gear Wheel → Create Event

Then date/title/url for mtg/ PRIVATE / and make sure to tag AIML AWG

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Interesting paper on this topic. @rtscott2001 @svcostes Can we create a topic that is not strictly focused on the AI/ML aspects of this project and have a place for related papers and discussion?

Interesting paper -
" DdrC, a unique DNA repair factor from D. radiodurans , senses and stabilizes DNA breaks through a novel lesion-recognition mechanism"

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Absolutely. Here is how to make a post as a general “discussion” in the generic AWG Discussion category

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Hi, do we have a new time and date set for the next meeting? Thanks!

Reminder that this subgroup is meeting in ~10 minutes. Message me privately if you are part of this subgroup and don’t have the Zoom info.


Since there are several efforts ongoing within this subgroup, we would like to invite everyone who has an ongoing effort to present their status at this next meeting. Please come prepared to address the following items:

  • What is the problem you are trying to solve? (radiation type classification, foci detection/segmentation, etc)

  • What is your approach to solving that problem?

  • What is your status? (model performance/accuracy, xAI status)

  • How close are you to being happy with your completed code and research product? What are your next steps?

We would like to start moving toward one or several manuscripts, so please keep that in mind while preparing for this next meeting.


I had a couple of questions before I start with developing a classifier (for X-ray dose).

  1. Are we (still) using only images with a maximum intensity of 4,000?
  2. Are we scaling the images, i.e. they all have values between 0-255, prior to feeding them into a classifier or deriving meta features from them?
  3. (for @walt ) Could you list the meta features you used once more. I downloaded the 2011 article you mentioned but wanted to make sure.

Thank you!


Hi @mboerrigter ,

  1. Yes
  2. Scale between vmin=400, vmax=4000
  • Mean Phase Congruency (MPC)
  • Entropy of Phase Congruency (EPC)
  • Entropy of the Image (EDIS)
  • Mean Gradient Magnitude of the Image (MGDIS)

Thank you Lauren!

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Is anybody aware of any other open source datasets featuring DNA damage and light microscopy for comparison purposes?

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Hi @mboerrigter I have been looking for one also and have not found one that is an exact fit for our use case. It has been a while since I looked though. I’ll try again over the holidays.


The DeepFoci paper here lists development of a dataset. They may be able to share this data upon request.

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