We are investigating the effect of spaceflight on gene expression of retina through the RR9 dataset (combining other RR datasets), build data augmentation methods and digital twin models to make currently rather limited dataset more useful.
Please take a look at the Google Colab notebook that I started, combining all the RR-9 retina/eye data and imputing missing values. Anyone can make a copy and move forward with this notebook. Next steps that someone can take would be:
Improve the imputation
Use this dataset to create a larger synthetic dataset
Use a CVAE or similar architecture to start training a digital twin!
Hi @joel.steele
I’m not very familiar with Jen’s research, but at first glance it looks like she does a lot with proteomics. At this point, with the data we have, we’re looking at transcriptomic data (along with phenotypic data). Is there something particular about Jen’s work that you’re thinking of here?
Hi @james.casaletto , If you send me some example pictures of control vs. experimental, I’d be happy to explain how Shape Genie can be used. Shape Genie offers free, long-term accounts and has tutorials. My email is dave@brainscanology.com if you want to send the images privately.
These other use-cases will give you a good idea of how we can measure the phenotypes you listed.
Video [11 min]: LCPC Transform Measures Shape Distinctly From Area in 2D Cell Culture
Video [14 min] Shape Genie Identifies Sub-Groups of Lung Alveoli
Hi @jgong, I hope you are doing well! Ethan Waisberg (ethan.waisberg@gmail.com) and I (ongjo@med.umich.edu) would be very interested in joining this project if there are spots available. Thank you!
Hello @jgong, I just joint AWG recently and I find this project interesting! I would love to learn more about it and contribute, so I am very interested in joining this project if there are spots available! Thank you very much!