Let me know if I can help more
@jgong Can you add me to your mailing list? I would love to contribute to this topic.
Hello @jgong and @james.casaletto , I would love to contribute to this project! Can I be added to the mailing list?
Hello @jgong
I would love to contribute to the project. My email is anish.kelam@gmail.com could you add me to the mailing list so I have access to the meetings?
I will add everyone here on the mailing list. We also have the calendar that will show our scheduled meeting times.
Make sure you are in the AI:ML AWG to join: The Open Science Data Repository AWG Community
We may adjust the meeting time from time to time.
Thanks everyone!
can you add me to group/mailing list? I would like to attend the meetings and contribute to it. Thank you. My mail is mehwishrehman1115@gmail.com or mrehman.msbi23sines@student.nust.edu.pk
Hello! I will be unable to attend the meeting tonight. It is requested to please record the session and upload on the drive. Thanks.
Recording has been uploaded (look for today’s date).
No meeting today of the Digital Twin sub-group. Happy Thanksgiving to those in
And howdy to all other wonderful AWGers else where too
Can I please be added to the sub group mailing list and calendar too?
I would love to contribute to the project, is there any reading material I can get started with for 101s?
Today’s Digital Twin mtg was switched to next Thursday, check the updated calendar invite:
If you dont have the Digital Twin mtg in your calendar, it means you need to join the AI/ML AWG.
When someone joins the AWG originally, you arent automatically joining all 9 groups. This is the best way to help give the chairs-leads control and help organize their communities. Cheers and thanks all
Hi @vaishnavi.nagesh (and everyone)
Please take a look at the Google Colab notebook that I started, combining all the RR-9 retina/eye data and imputing missing values. Anyone can make a copy and move forward with this notebook. Next steps that someone can take would be:
- Improve the imputation
- Use this dataset to create a larger synthetic dataset
- Use a CVAE or similar architecture to start training a digital twin!
Thank you so much for this Lauren!
Hi @surya.ramku this might be a good project for you to contribute!
For everyone new to this project, our subgroup lead Dr. Jian Gong gave a great talk on the goals of this project in the 2024 AWG Symposium: https://youtu.be/psrO38DP454?si=jmuOL8y3iotErWMn&t=1964
And here is the Google Drive with the link to project materials and recordings: Digital Twin - Google Drive
Dear all - @AIMLawg
We will be meeting tomorrow at 9 am PST (California Time). Besides the calendar here on the forum, I will also be sending an outlook calendar invite. If you did not receive this invite in the next 15 minutes or so but would like to add yourself, please PM me, or email me directly at jgong@uwyo.edu. The calendar invite is a zoom link to our meeting (the same link here on the forum).
@vaishnavi.nagesh, @surya.ramku, welcome!
See you all tomorrow!
Hi @jgong thank you for a great meeting yesterday! Could you please share the GitHub repo for this project? @vaishnavi.nagesh would like to contribute.
@vaishnavi.nagesh , please PM me with your GitHub email. I will add you as a contributor.
In general, here is our shared GitHub:
It is a fork from the official AWG GitHub (GitHub - OpenScienceDataRepo/AI-ML_AWG)
We work most of the time on our own fork of the official, and I will send regular (monthly) merge requests to update the official. This is the plan for now :).
I hope to find a permanent place on the forum to put it (probably on our project page). I will work on updating this GitHub the next couple of days. It is slightly out-dated. Will check in a few more files, including Lauran’s notebook.
When is our next meeting scheduled? Unable to see it in the meeting calender.
Dear all -
Our subgroup meeting is on tomorrow. I’ve just sent email calendar invites.
Time: 10 AM PST