@rtscott2001 thanks for sharing!
I think that these publications are very well summarized, pleasant to read, and also providing nice graphics.
Thanks for sharing @rtscott2001
You bet! Pretty large document, but wow - lots of great stuff, even just perusing the content. I hadn’t heard about it until this week
Hope all is well - cheers! Btw - random perused this pub you were on this week
Joesph R Wiencek, @drsaswatidas @AfshinBeheshti Brian E Crucian, @Fathi Guy Trudel, Kathleen A McMonigal, Lab Medicine in Space, Clinical Chemistry , Volume 69, Issue 5, May 2023, Pages 442–449, Lab Medicine in Space | Clinical Chemistry | Oxford Academic
Thanks for sharing this Ryan. I have received a lot of interest from the lab medicine community ( including clinical pathologists, clinical microbiologists and clinical chemists) on this paper. Also planning another paper. Will keep everyone posted
Thankyou @rtscott2001 for sharing this!
Cheers Ananda! My honor. Thanks for engaging, and I look forward to hearing about some project ideas of yours (or ones you’d like to join). Plus I’d say only a 1/4 of the projects are yet “fully engaging” on this forum-space yet, since it’s new.
Oh sure @rtscott2001 , I shall come up with some ideas. Currently working on a Paper Microfluidic Device for Medical diagnostics.
Im curious to find people with similar interests across the working groups.
This is SUPER useful! Thanks for creating and sharing!