AWG Social at HRP-IWS: Wednesday, 4-5:30p CT at Doc Holliday’s Roadhouse😃 Here? Leave a comment 🎉

Woh, Jac! @AstroJac Safe travels. Can’t wait to meet!

I’d say an Uber (Taxi) or a Shuttle. Slightly more cost effective than renting a car

The event website has much more thorough details:

Please count me in as well. Thanks.

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Hello! Quick question. As we (poster presenters) are required to print a 44"x44" poster, how are we supposed to travel with them as they exceed the airline’s carry on dimensions? Can’t fold it in luggage as it will create creases. Please drop in suggestions and help us.


I’ll be there as well! Looking forward to meeting you all.

@alavia I’ve often done fabric posters, those can be folded. Just lay it out flat somewhere the day before and creases will be mostly gone by morning.

P.S. Alternatively, I once sent my PDF off to a local FedEx to print on the spot, but that’s risky and not recommended. Fabric is the way to go.
P.P.S. IIRC most airlines actually have exceptions for poster tubes so you can carry them on, but you’d have to check with them.


Thanks. Didn’t know about the fabric option.

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Will be there.


DAY/TIME Change: HRP-IWS25 AWG Social

Hi AWG members,

Change of date/time, due to guaranteed substantial rain on Thursday.

Wednesday, 1/29/25, from 4-5:30p CT – come any time between then. Several AWGers will be there.

AWG social, 4-5:30p CT at Doc Hollidays Roadhouse

6010 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551

Oh have fun! I suppose to go and have a poster session but I got sick. Can’t fly 10h…have fun!

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Hi AWG members,

Change of date/time, due to guaranteed substantial rain on Thursday.

Wednesday, 1/29/25, from 4-5:30p CT – come any time between then. Some will be probably be there thru 6p

AWG social, 4-5:30p CT at Doc Hollidays Roadhouse

6010 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551









@marie.mortreux @talmo @gebresg @vfajardo @robert.j.reynolds-2 @walt @anthony.lau @dawn.bowles @fumimuratani @slantin @molikasinha @Fathi @AfshinBeheshti @chm2042 @mona.matar @rachel.a.jansen @brian.russell @abegum @ecl28 @jderivero @ongjo @mboerma @xmao @shawnapandya @josef.f.schmid @cmschmidt @mschmidtphd @gschneider @holquistkl