Post your AWG member pics at HRP-IWS 🤗🎉 Group pic below too!

Here’s the group pic from our AWG social this evening at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, in Galveston, TX.

At least 50 (?) AWG members there, but we forgot to take the pic in time to get everyone! :sweat_smile: Whoops. So much fun. So many new project ideas to advance life to thrive in deep space! So great to meet so many of us who had never met face-to-face!

Below group pic is who was left 3 hours after the social “ended”

Cheers to collaboration, data sharing, high quality data, and kudos to ALL the Open Science Analysis Working Groups :tada::rocket: A lot to be proud about the discoveries and output in 2024 :100:

We all have kept science as our North Star, with quality analysis, quality data, top shelf integrity, and a collaborative open spirit. Cheers :heart::rocket:

Post your pics below :arrow_down: from throughout the week! Tag others :hugs:

@MicrobesAWG @AIMLawg @AnimalAWG @ALSDAawg @PlantAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @HUMANawg @RLWG @FemaleReproAWG

@Hchok @talmo @gebresg @danielle.lopez91 @canelson @jang1563 @AfshinBeheshti @chm2042 @svcostes @kirill @abegum @shawnapandya @neal_lojek @walt @Joseph_Guarnieri @philipjsweet @stefania.giacomello — bummer so sorry @fumimuratani @marie.mortreux @jwilley @charles.m.werneth @ecl28 @jgong @brittera et al, that we forgot to take a pic earlier!

PLEASE :pray: Post below :arrow_down: all your other general AWG member pics (posters, other socials, etc) from this week’s meeting below :hugs:


:yum: :beers: :100: :tada:



@stefania.giacomello @AfshinBeheshti @chm2042 @svcostes

Thanks for sharing Fumi :100::tada:

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Few others from the week


@upal.roy & Angel :mega: @jderivero

@abegum @FemaleReproAWG




@svcostes @neal_lojek @jgong @hosseinakbari7575


By the Pelican and the Shark!


That’s the spot in better weather years! Perfect!

@eischa @fredkiffer — the ISS Rodent video tracking deep learning work using via @talmo was fantastic. Cheers to you and all the Penn students! :100:

For others, on this open access deep learning pose/behavioral tool invented by Talmo, to learn more:

Pereira, T.D., Tabris, N., Matsliah, A. et al. SLEAP: A deep learning system for multi-animal pose tracking.Nat Methods 19 , 486–495 (2022). SLEAP: A deep learning system for multi-animal pose tracking | Nature Methods



Yay! :star_struck: @marie.mortreux and :eyes: spy @philipjsweet @canelson :confetti_ball::rocket:

Great team, I’d like to be there!

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It was good meeting many of you last week.

As some of you may know, over the years my group has been characterizing the proteomic changes induced following space radiation exposure, and in some instances identifying changes that are linked to cognitive performance.

While we have published 4 papers on this topic, I have more data sets that I am prepared to share with anyone who is interested in mining them.

The first study is quite unique: we recovered 3 different brain regions from each rat. We have 4 shams and 8 rats exposed to 5 cGy 600 MeV Si.


Basal Forebrain


The data was generated by Dr. Scott Peterman, who at the time was head of product development at ThermoFisher. He is now VP of global marketing.

The data I have has been processed by him and is confined to only proteins that were detected in all groups.

There are multiple changes induced and from what I can see there is no “universal” proteomic change in the 3 brain regions post exposure.

Let me know if anyone is interested in analyzing this data and I will try to compile the data I have. This data was acquired over 8 years ago, so I need to clear some cobwebs.

The second set of data is companion data to the Fe data we published in Dutta et al, 2018.

This study looked at the hippocampus.

Along with the 7 shams (same as in the Dutta paper), we have 6 rats exposed to 15 cGy 1 GeV/n Ti and 4 exposed to 20 cGy.

A colleague did run an analysis on this data, and found some interesting outcomes. Sadly they are no longer in science.

Let me know if anyone wants to have a look at either of these. I can send processed data pretty quickly, more rudimentary data will take time. This study was conducted over 10 years ago.



And some more pics with @gebresg @danielle.lopez91


Thanks Rich!

Going to add @rachelrgilbert and @kristen.peach here so they are aware. Perhaps these could be data collected and curated by OSDR, or perhaps you’d be interested in presenting your data at an upcoming @AnimalAWG mtg via @paula6 @tejaswini.mishra @szewczyk

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Hello! Great to meet you! Would you mind sharing your email address? Either here or in a private message. We are always excited to host space biology or space-relevant data! We DO require raw data for each dataset. Do you have access to the raw data as well as the processed?

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