Here’s the group pic from our AWG social this evening at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, in Galveston, TX.
At least 50 (?) AWG members there, but we forgot to take the pic in time to get everyone! Whoops. So much fun. So many new project ideas to advance life to thrive in deep space! So great to meet so many of us who had never met face-to-face!
Below group pic is who was left 3 hours after the social “ended”
Cheers to collaboration, data sharing, high quality data, and kudos to ALL the Open Science Analysis Working Groups A lot to be proud about the discoveries and output in 2024
We all have kept science as our North Star, with quality analysis, quality data, top shelf integrity, and a collaborative open spirit. Cheers
Post your pics below from throughout the week! Tag others
@MicrobesAWG @AIMLawg @AnimalAWG @ALSDAawg @PlantAWG @MultiOmicsAWG @HUMANawg @RLWG @FemaleReproAWG
@Hchok @talmo @gebresg @danielle.lopez91 @canelson @jang1563 @AfshinBeheshti @chm2042 @svcostes @kirill @abegum @shawnapandya @neal_lojek @walt @Joseph_Guarnieri @philipjsweet @stefania.giacomello — bummer so sorry @fumimuratani @marie.mortreux @jwilley @charles.m.werneth @ecl28 @jgong @brittera et al, that we forgot to take a pic earlier!
PLEASE Post below
all your other general AWG member pics (posters, other socials, etc) from this week’s meeting below