Jan 28-31st is the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop in Galveston, TX (hybrid too, so people remote can tune in )
If you are planning to attend HRPIWS25 please leave a comment below.
AWG social, 4-5:30p CT at Doc Hollidays Roadhouse
6010 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551
Also, feel free to share the intro and screenshots of your presentations and posters so we all can attend and support you
Registration for HRPIWS: Registration Open for Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Jan 28-31, 2025
Few people off the top of my mind: @Dr.Overbey @marie.mortreux @talmo @gebresg @fredkiffer @vfajardo @robert.j.reynolds-2 @walt @anthony.lau @dawn.bowles @fumimuratani @slantin @molikasinha @Fathi @AfshinBeheshti @chm2042 @mona.matar @rachel.a.jansen @brian.russell @eantonse @abegum @ecl28 @jderivero @ongjo @mboerma @xmao @shawnapandya @josef.f.schmid @cmschmidt @mschmidtphd @gschneider @holquistkl