Starting next month, we will focus on integrating datasets for a single anatomy within the SPOKE fabric. The current options are brain and bone, both offering diverse data types and significant spaceflight relevance. Please vote for your preferred anatomy and suggest relevant data types, specific datasets, and/or compelling spaceflight use cases. If you strongly favor another anatomy, please provide your suggestion.
Project objectives:
Collect anatomy-specific datasets.
Identify node type(s) for SPOKE entry point(s).
Determine if additional databases are needed to integrate the dataset.
Create mappings between dataset identifiers and nodes.
Define the graph representation for the dataset.
Develop a pipeline for incorporating future datasets of the same type.
Can i ask why Bone? My understanding is there are no 'omics datasets on bone in OSDR. There are some mCT, pQCT, histology, others, but no 'omics, and since right now SPOKE is only mapped to RNAseq, curious of the driving reason, unless the purpose is to have this work do the mapping for the fabric between non-omics bone datasets?
Hi Ryan, We’ve received significant interest in applying SPOKE analyses to bone health in spaceflight. While SPOKE has been successfully utilized with omics data, we want to incorporate non-omics datasets as well.
Brain and bone would be a fantastic pair! There is an interesting difference regarding H3.3 genes in brain and bones, and histone proteins/chromatin 3D structure may play a significant role due to microgravity and DNA repair due to radiation
Hi Brandon, This is very interesting. Given SPOKE’s structure, where Anatomy nodes connect to Anatomy, Genes, Cell Types, and Diseases, it’s possible that we could identify additional pathways between bone and muscle Anatomy nodes that reveal the underlying crosstalk mechanisms. It would be even better if we could layer in additional datasets from the same anatomy pairs.
Thank you , but I need to compare bone volume loss in space with the population changes of different gut microbiota species in space. Therefore, I need metagenomic gut data along with bone loss data from the same sample in space.
Thanks @canelson! I’m still a bit new to the area, but I’d imagine there are at least a few animal/human studies that have evaluated muscle/bone or at least biomarkers from the same mission