If anyone is interested in this project, this is a place to discuss
The ‘DAGs’ capture the relationships in nodes and edges between: space hazards, biological responses, physiological impacts, clinical outcomes, mission impacts
The DAGs are organized and capture 29 risks articulated through SMEs with the NASA Human Systems Risk Board
@robert.j.reynolds-2 once others (for example Alyssa) join this awg.osdr.space, we can coordinate through here
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I am interested in the project, how can i contribute
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Super thanks @isaelegbede - @robert.j.reynolds-2 is leading out this work. I believe him and Alyssa Columbus are targeting dates/times. @acolumb1
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Hi @isaelegbede - thanks for your interest! This is a great time to join as we are just now getting organized (as you can see). I’ll be providing updates soon as to what we’re planning on doing, so check back in the next couple of weeks (and I’ll try to tag you as well).
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Hi @sudip.sharma.temple meet @robert.j.reynolds-2 @acolumb1
Higher up in this thread is relevant Directed Acyclic Graph info, which might be relevant
Hi, @rtscott2001, Thanks for mentioning it.
@robert.j.reynolds-2 I am interested in this project and will be happy to learn more about how I can contribute.
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Outstanding! Welcome! As I said above we’re getting organized, so stay close and I"ll give you an update soon.
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Hi! I am also interested in joining this project. I hold a B.S. Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, with a minor in Safety and am hoping to go to medical school. Risk assessment and management are areas of interest for me!
@robert.j.reynolds-2 could you share here some of the ideas you are proposing on the Directed Acyclic Graph approach? Both in terms of validation next steps, using LLMs to create (or validate?) DAGs, etc?
@walt @acolumb1 @sudip.sharma.temple @kjycheryl @isaelegbede others could chime in and discuss
The idea is for this to be an @ALSDAawg & @AIMLawg collaboration, which will be presented at the next ALSDA AWG mtg, Tuesday, June 18 (details and links to mtg are in the AWG Hub)
I’d like to use this forum to drive the discussion (and prep for 18th)
Everyone is using DiscourseHub app for this forum right? Best way to engage. (Apple or Android Google Store
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Hi @szol thanks for your interest in the DAG project. This is the thread with all the links
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Is this topic related at all to this effort that you are part of @robert.j.reynolds-2 ?
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Yes, you’ve found the right place. We might have project-specific threads, but for now, watch here.
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Thank you for today’s presentation during ALSDA meeting
I’d love to join the project, too.
Great! Glad to have you! Watch this thread in the coming days for updates!
Interested in this project as SME.
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Sure you know I’m on board… so happy to be looped in on stuff… especially kidney, but physiology is my thing… so can help in other areas I’m sure, plus linked to a ton of other physiologists and clinicians
Cheers! Indeed, just today in the @HUMANawg - @padilla at Case Western proposed moving this foroward, but perhaps from a different angle?
I think the Human AWG will be covering this at its February mtg, or potentially the @ALSDAawg
Thoughts @robert.j.reynolds-2 @eantonse @lauren.sanders ?
Hi @robert.j.reynolds-2, I would be really interested to be involved in this project, please let me know how I can get involved!
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I do know that rob is out on travel, and likely wont be responding soon, BUT I will CC on an email Rich, because I am hoping the DAG subgroup gets re-enthused, as new goals and approaches are becoming more apparent