Kneminer used to view transcription factor knowledge network

Has anyone ever used Knetminer for plant knowledge network visualisation? Here’s an example using a cluster of transcription factors discovered using the OSDR multistudy viz app


Hi, I recognise this and worked with Keywan when he was building an early version back in 2012-13 (only as a user). I think it was called Ondex. It’d be a useful way to provide some automated insight into DE data that would scale up well with OSDR multistudy vis.

A limitation would be that literature can be very limited/misleading for new stimuli (like ISS), or outside At, particularly when associating TF and phenotype (not great for novelty). I remember ultimately using it for exploration of literature instead of direct analyses per se (good for hypothesis generation).

At minimum it would be a useful qualitative addition and I think providing support/a starting place for data interpretation for users is a great idea.