Opportunities with Integrative Biology

Hello everyone,

I’m excited to announce that I am now the new Editor-in-Chief for Integrative Biology. You can find more information about the editorial board and the scope of the journal.

I encourage you all to consider submitting your work to Integrative Biology. There is no cost to publish unless you opt for Open Access. I would love to explore the possibility of the AWG community focusing on a special issue. The theme doesn’t necessarily have to be Space Biology. If you’re interested, please reach out to me here on the forum! Additionally, we have a few openings on the Editorial Board if anyone is interested.

As for my specific interests, I am particularly keen on topics such as female reproductive health, novel biomarkers for health (e.g., miRNA, DNA damage, etc.), AI methods for bioinformatics, and integrating epidemiology with omics (genomics, epigenomics, etc.).

Best regards,



Congratulations for your new position! Great achievement.

Which are the requirements to be part of the Editorial Board?

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Congratulations, Sylvain; very well deserved! I like the idea of an AWG special issue - would be glad to contribute in any way I can!

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Congratulations Sylvian on your new role. Extremely well deserved.congratulations to @lauren.sanders and @keith.siew too for being on the editorial board

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the kind notes. I believe IB could be a strong journal for our field, and I think this community could play a big role here. I like the fact that publishing is free, but Open Access is expensive unless it’s waived in some special cases.

For the role at the Editorial Board, I would send you a few papers a year to edit. That means you need to find reviewers from your network who have the right expertise to review the article. Also, as editor, you can also suggests that a paper’s quality is too low to even justify the lengthy process of review and I would typically then reject the paper immediately, to avoid wasting the time of the authors and our community.

I hope this clarifies the role of being on the board.


Hi Sylvian,

Congratulations and thanks a lot for the information! What is the procedure to apply to be a reviewer for the journal?

Whoever is interested, please send me your CV and your field of expertise. PhD is required to be editor.

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Thank you again for sharing this opportunity!

Congratulations Sylvian on your new role. I wish to reviewer for your journal. plz. share me share me the link where i can upload my CV.

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Anyone interested, please reach out to my email: sylvain.v.costes@nasa.gov.


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