Hi @agata.rudolf — welcome and thanks for posting!
I don’t believe Christiane is an AWG member. We met one another when she was in Galveston, TX, for a NASA human research conference. We were coordinated to meet through @rodrigo.coutinhodeal since there’s a collaboration ongoing on several levels @svcostes
I posted the event here from a post on Christiane’s LinkedIn, where I let her know I’d post here
Indeed, this “forum-space” is only a month and several days old, so there are only a handful of posts on TOC/Organoids. This will grow over time
This domain was discussed this past Wednesday at the monthly @AnimalAWG mtg, and is covered a bit in this Topic on “microenvironment ECM…”
Perhaps this will evolve into its own AWG project part of the Animal AWG soon, @paula6 leads that AWG
I do hope to discuss this topic with @m.trombetta.lima in-person at COSPAR2024 in a couple weeks