Welcome to AI/ML AWG!

As part of the AI-ML AWG,

Hi AWG community :wave:t4:,

We comprise a diverse community of scientists, students, and researchers united with the objective of collaboratively advancing knowledge in the pertinent fields of AI-ML for advanced spatial science :artificial_satellite:. If interested, check our website, and you can reach out to Jaden JA Hastings, Co-Chair (astro.hacker.2001@gmail.com); Lauren Sanders, Co-Chair (lauren.m.sanders@nasa.gov); or Damián J Santiago-Sosa, Communications Coordinator (ss.damianj@gmail.com) if any questions arise.

:date: The AI/ML AWG meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 9-10am Pacific time. Currently we are in a summer hiatus til August 13.


Does anyone keep meeting notes for these? And where can I find them? Thanks!

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@ss.damianj or @lauren.sanders can we get the AI/ML minutes put into the AIML AWG hub? https://awg.osdr.space/g/AIMLawg and/or links to recordings?

Rutuja - that member hub should be a place for all materials like notes, recordings, links to code githubs/etc

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Hello @rutujagurav ,
Yes, we keep notes for the meetings and upload the recordings to Youtube. Let me work that and I’ll be reaching out to you.

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Thanks @ss.damianj :blush: