UNOOSA Space & Global Health Taskforce: Share Your Feedback & Join the Mission! πŸš€πŸ’«

Hello everyone!

My name is Srishti Rajeev - I’m a member of several AWG groups and a youth contributor to the Space & Global Health Taskforce established by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). Our mission is to advance policy for space health, and we are currently developing an online course (MOOC) on Space & Global Health. :earth_africa::rocket:

As AWG members and researchers in this field, we want to hear from you! What topics do you think should be included in such a course? Have you faced challenges in pursuing education or careers in this niche field? Your insights will be invaluable, and greatly appreciated.

If you’re interested in providing feedback or joining the task force (open to all educational levels and backgrounds), please take a moment to complete the survey here:

Thank you!

Space and Global Health Survey

@AnimalAWG @FemaleReproAWG @HUMANawg @MicrobesAWG @AIMLawg @ALSDAawg @MultiOmicsAWG @RLWG


Thanks for sharing Srishti!

I’ll let other AWG members respond. You may want to @ particular AWGs so more people will see this post :slight_smile:


@srajeev hi oral health is a important aspect to be included and I’m happy to contribute


Hi! My background is in life and behavioral sciences, but my undergrad was in political science with a focus on philosophy of science and medicine. This sounds super interesting, and I’ve filled out the form!


Hi Srishti,
I think oral and dental health are of utmost importance.
I filled in your online form.
Contact me if you want more info.
Good luck!


Thanks for sharing this, Srishti. I’ve filled it out.

Health and Food Security is a considerable one for me. A lot of health/medical, food, and otherwise bio-economical resources are quite vulnerable.